Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Summer Plans

Monday and I was back at work but first I had to give some blood.  I arrived at my GPs and was due to be seen at 8.30.  I arrived early and sorted out my repeat pescription for iron and waited.  While I was sat in the room, reading some leaflets Dr Ravi came to see me, we had a nice chat and he checked I was ok before signing my pescription. Dr Ravi explained the trainee doctor was running a bit late and told me to get in touch if I had any problems, I like my GP, he is always so friendly.  The doctor arrived just after 9 and invited me to the room, her manner was very polite and reassuring, she asked why I was there so I explained about the cancer, she was shocked and apologetic.  I don't mind people apologising, it's probably something I would say, but it's not their fault, and I don't really want to hear a sorrowful tone, I always try to be upbeat, even about cancer, but sometimes it throws people, I am not apologising for my approach, it's how it get through it.  On my way home I picked up my pescription and met Leonie who had dropped off Sid and Oscar, we walked home together, before she left for her free coffee from Booths, and I left for work.

At work I started to feel ill, like I was actually going to be sick, rather than just feeling sick, so asked if I could go early as I had forgotren to take my anti sickness tablets.  I left work around 2pm and got home, took an anti sickness and had a bath; Leonie was good enough to bring me a brew, and I just led in the water and relaxed.  It was bliss and as always I had my two little visitors to check up on me.

I am thankful that no real symptoms have hit me hard yet.  So far all I have experienced is the initial loss of appetite, but this was soon replaced by a unabating hunger, hence the reason I have put on about a stone since January.   I am quite a thin person and I get jokes about this all the time, I even encourage them, but the best one was that I will have to give the boys t-shirts back as they won't fit me any more if I carry on with the weight gain. As well as this there was again an initial insomnia, however now I am getting more tired, and I am managing with the sleep I have/get but will probably need to increase my sleep soon as I am getting more tired as this process continues.  The only other symptons are a bit of toothache, but I get this every so often with my wisdom teeth; and the feeling of sickness tied in with my reverse phantom stomach/black hole, now thats a weird sympton and an even weirder feeling.

In the evening Zoe and Laura came over for our weekly catch up.  It's always good to see friends and these two are some of the best.  Always good for a giggle and always really supportive.  I told them of my plans to build a BBQ in time for June, and by the end of the night we had sorted out free bricks and some help in building it, all through the powers of facebook.  A pretty awesome result.

Tuesday and I decided to go to work as early as possible as my colleague wasn't to be in today and I wanted to see if I could do a full day.  My work pals all check on me and Karyn reminded me to check my temperature when I went a bit too red, but by 3pm I was starting to tire again, I lasted until 4pm before asking to get home.  I picked up Sid and went to my mums to get Oscar.  I had a brew and a catch up with my parents and I mentioned about my plan to build another BBQ, I had previously built one in our old house which was a success, but this new plan is a little more extravagant.  We waited for Leonie and once she arrived it was back to ours for an early night, dreaming of my new plan.  It's always good to have project on the go, unfortunately I rarely finish one before starting another, hopefully with a bit of help, I should do this one!


  1. Hi Karyn here - I just wanted to say how proud I am of you and how well you have coped at work. I know me and Luke keep getting you to take your temp when you look a bit red, but just humor us.. personally I think Luke wants to have a go on the gadget lol..

    You have done so well in what we all thought would be a really difficult week, and you are looking good with the extra stone on your bones!! although the beard needs to go hahaha xx

  2. Hey Ricardo,
    Another great post. It sounds like your GP is fantastic - sadly there aren't many GP practices these days where you get to see the same GP twice so it's brilliant that yours sounds really caring and interested. Also, the staff you've come across at RPH all sound great too - all of this sounds very positive in helping you along your journey! X
