Sunday, 9 February 2014


This weekend started off pretty down but last night our friends Gemma and Sam visited and stayed over.  We had a drink together, talked and laughed and it really lifted the spirits and was good for the soul.

Today, Leonie had to work, but more friends were on their way to come and help and provide company.  The house was soon filled with a load of Welsh people as Ema and Dan arrived.  We all simply just sat and chatted for the morning and early afternoon, enjoying each others company.  It was good to feel normal again.  The shopping got done, the kitchen floor was mopped, the children looked after, lunch was made, living room was tidied and the pots were washed, and I didn't lift a finger; all done by my very good friends.  We watched our football teams do not so well, but it didn't matter as it was good to be in the company of the people you hold close.

The kids enjoyed having someone over to play with and it really took the pressure off.  On top of all this, Leonie's friend from work popped over with her partner and fixed our bath tap, so the boys had a bath tonight, instead of showering, meaning that both me and Leonie get to shower alone for the first time in a long while.  I can also have long soak when the stiches have healed, how I have missed having a nice long bath!

Having friends like these, especially Ema, Dan, Gemma and Sam really does mean a lot.  It goes to show that having people around you that love and care for you, support you and appreciate you for who you are goes a hell of a long way to make your happiness.  When you feel low, these are the people you need, your family too, but that's for the next couple of weekends as they get to come and visit.  I always have my mum close, I appreciate that.  My family and friends generosity,  kindness, empathy (in their special ways) and support has no limits, and for that I am completely indebted to you all, these are the people that will help me fight this battle, whether near or far, I will beat this cancer,  I will do it for you!

For everyone who has shown that they care by sending messages of support, thank you.  I'm ready for this and it will not beat me.  I need to remember I have your support and backing.  People have contacted me directly or through friends to offer help; a friend sent a book in the post which made me laugh so much I had to put it down as my stiches were sore.  Its these little things that help you get through these battles.  As we waved Ema and Dan goodbye, we realised they had left a card.  They had written that we were "bestest buds" and that they "love you loads", it made me cry with happiness, something I hadn't done since my kids were born, and in these most difficult times, I wouldn't have thought this possible!

1 comment:

  1. Ric, u r an insperation to everyone, u r a tower of strength, we will help u all as much as we can, we r here for u, Leonie and the boys, if u need anything just shout and we will help, sending lots of love and big hugs to u all xxxxx
